- Nickname CRF Castle Rock Guy Noir +B
CRF Castle Rock Guy Noir +B
Reference Goat

From Castle Rock Webpage:
Sometimes I break my own rules. When Guy Noir’s dam was a first freshener she had an amazing udder for a first freshener and having seen how well her dam’s udder held up over the years, I decided to keep this guy intact. Since then, she has continued to freshen with an incredibly high, wide udder and is such a pleasure to milk too with very nicely sized teats that have very open orifices, and I’ve been quite happy with my decision to keep Guy as a buck. I am pleased with how he is looking– he’s got the smoothness of blending, a very wide, open escutcheon, dairy character, and tops it all off with a very sweet personality. One quirk I have noticed is that his sons seem to take at least three years to gain any depth of barrel, and several have gone through a why-did-I-leave-that-buck-intact stage between the ages of two and three, though this is not true of his daughters.
At the 2008 AGS National Show, a trio of Guy Noir’s doe kids won Best Get of Sire, and two of his daughters- Little Dipper GN Flashdance, and Sly Farms GN Catalina have won best junior doe in show at all-breed goat shows. I’m very pleased with the general appearance and dairy character of his offspring so far.
Update: Guy now has five finished champion daughters- CH-MCH Sly Farms GN Catalina, SGCH CRF Castle Rock Penny Wise 1*M 3*D VVEE 90, GCH-ARMCH CRF Castle Rock Black Ice 4*D 2*M EEEE 92, CH Castle Rock Lunar Eclipse VEEE 91, and GCH CRF Castle Rock Roxanne *D 1*M VEEE 91. At the 2010 REDGA Nigerian Specialty show three of Guy’s first freshening daughters won Senior Get of Sire, and CRF Castle Rock Roxanne was Best Udder of Breed, and his daughters repeated this at the 2013 REDGA Nigerian Specialty Show as five-year-olds, with Roxanne again getting Best Udder of Breed. At the 2015 ADGA National Show, a trio of his daughters won 3rd place Get of Sire. The judges have noted that Guy’s daughters were stamped with dairy character, and all had very good height and arch to the escutcheon. It is so nice to see those daughters of his who showed so much promise as juniors living up to that promise as they freshen.
Pictured above: CH CRF Castle Rock Lunar Eclipse VEEE 91, GCH CRF Castle Rock Roxanne 1*M *D VEEE 91, GCH-ARMCH CRF Castle Rock Black Ice 2*M 4*D EEEE 92, our winning Senior Get of Sire entry at the 2013 Redwood Empire Dairy Goat Association Memorial Show Nigerian Specialty.