- Nickname VMCH Soaring Heart's First Lady *P
- Mother Soaring Heart's Lady Gaga
- Father FMCH Echo Hill's Rio Bravo +*B
- MDGA AMN02607
VMCH Soaring Heart’s First Lady *P
Reference Goat
Photos courtesy of CA Blackberry’s Goat Herd.

Achievements & Titles
Best Udder in Show
Best udder in show will be the 5 yr Mini Nubian for her Outstanding strength in capacity and balance in udder, with wonderful placement and strength in attachments.
Best Senior Doe in Show
The best senior doe in show will be the Mini-Nubian. This doe has proven that good breeding can withstand the test of time. She excels in general appearance being correct in feet and legs, level and upstanding about the topline, and blending smoothly from the neck into the withers. In body capacity with great width carried throughout, and deep in the heart girth that increases tremendously towards the flank. Also in mammary system being very capacious, still strong in attachments, and balanced.
Grand Champion Senior Mini Nubian Doe & Best Udder
Our Grand Champion will be our 5 yr milker in her strength in Dairy Character of angularity and in Mammary system having udder capacity strength in the uniformity and clear delineated teats, and a good placement, and plumper.
Grand Champion Senior Mini Nubian Doe
The grand champion senior doe will be the 5 year milker. This is a very nice doe excelling throughout the scorecard that has held up well even after 5 freshenings. In general appearance she level along the topline, smoothly blended from the neck into the withers, and still very strong in her feet and legs. She shoes tremendous body capacity being wide throughout, and deep in the heart girth increasing greatly towards the flank. Also in mammary system showing a lot of capacity, very strong attachments, and being very balanced. Also in dairy character being angular, sharp in the withers, and with a naturally arching escutcheon.
Best Senior Doe in Show
Mini Nubian 5 yr milker She is chosen for her strength in Mammary System, balance, capacity, attachments and placement and in General Appearance for her strength in her strong level topline, smooth correct frontend assembly and in Dairy Character showing us angularity.