Rafter O at Cordova Creek - Canyon Lake, Texas


  • Nickname Rafter O Band-winged Dragonlet "Ace"
  • Date of Birth Feb 20, 2025
  • Mother Rafter O Water Bug "Nessie"
  • Father Rafter O Ravine Haze

Rafter O Band-winged Dragonlet “Ace”

Rafter O Band-winged Dragonlet "Ace" Rafter O Band-winged Dragonlet "Ace"

Polled, roaning.

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Nessie is one of June Bug and Tundra’s epic Quintuplets in 2023!  She is a powerful doe, and we are excited to see her FF udder.

Nessie took Grand Champion Mini Nubian Junior Doe in the Fall 2024 MDGA Virtual Show.  Judge Lavinia Allen said, “This was a very beautiful class of Junior Mini Nubian doelings, and all the handlers did a great job of presenting them. However, the Mini Nubian Grand Champion Junior Doe is Entry D from the Senior Yearling class. In her maturity Entry D has the advantage in Body Capacity being deeper in the heart girth and barrel. In General Appearance she has good width throughout especially in the chest floor when viewed from the front, tighter in her toe set, good angulation of the rear legs from the side, smooth blending all through her longer topline, and good extension to her brisket. In Dairy Character she shows clear dairy wedges from the side and top.”

Haze is maturing nicely and has put some excellent kids on the ground.  Haze has sired some fantastic kids! Polly, a 2023 doeling out of Sapphire and Haze, won Grand Champion Junior Doe at the Memorial Classic in Brenham, TX on May 27, 2023!  He very much adds roaning to his kids and good width.

These purebred Mini Nubian kids will make a great addition to any performance herd with the possibility of all the nice to haves: polled, roaning, moonspot, and blue eyes!

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