Rafter O at Cordova Creek - Canyon Lake, Texas

  • Mating 02 November 2024
  • Due Date 01 April 2025

Rafter O Flameleaf Sumac x Rafter O Indian Blanket “Pancho”


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Sue is a polled doe with great conformation and a very sweet personality.  She is a much darker bezoar with some black roaning and solid ears, which is rare in our herd.   We are excited to see her FF udder!

Her dam, Pony, came to us from CA Blackberry Herd in California.  Pony doubles down on the outstanding Troubadour.  She freshened with a fantastic udder – great attachment and great teat placement and size!

Her sire, Meadowlark, is a very nice POLLED buckling with lots of flashy colors and spots…plus MILK behind him!  He is out of Ruby and Indy’s quadruplets.  He’s got ears for years, and a very sweet, loving personality.  We retained one of his 2021 polled doelings, Sandy.  She recently won Grand Champion Mini Nubian Junior Doe in the Summer 2021 MDGA Virtual Show!  

Sue is fabulous, and we are excited for her to infuse some EXCELLENT Nubian genetics into our herd!

In May 2023, Sue did very well at the Texas Mini Milkers Texas Two-Step!  In Ring 1 under Judge Morgan Allen, Sue was Reserve Grand Champion Mini Nubian Junior Doe.  In Ring 2 under Judge Ashley Burton, she was in it to win it, and took Grand Champion Mini Nubian Junior Doe, earning her restricted leg for live MDGA shows!

Pancho is a very masculine two-tone chamoisee, moon-spotted, blue-eyed buck.  He is maturing very nicely.  Pancho is the result of merging two great lines in our herd!  We are ecstatic to use him on more of our does!

His dam, Clover is a beautiful two-tone chamoisee doeling with blue eyes.  She is very feminine and has a great topline and overall conformation.  Clover’s pedigree is outstanding on both sides.  Her dam, Clair, comes from top Nubian herds.  Indy, her sire, is a purebred Mini Nubian with lineage back to quality, foundation Mini Nubian herds.  Her udder is amazing…high attachment, good teat size, and good capacity.  Clover is a FINISHED CHAMPION with MDGA Live Shows!

His sire, Tundra is our spectacular buck from out West.  He brings in a powerhouse pedigree of champs and milk stars. He’s got excellent conformation, and greatly improves his kids!    Tundra also has his *B – milk star.  AND…Tundra has three Reserve Grand Champion wins in the MDGA Virtual Show! 

Man…can you dream up a pairing better than this one!  The Rafter O 2025 kidding season is going to be LIT! 


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